It's been a long time since I wrote any updates on here. I am busy finishing up Hidden Heart as I update my website and FB Page. I had all the teasers that I currently had for Love Lost and Hidden Heart redone. Special thank you to Stacy Hahn for taking the time to make the teasers for me. Thank you, love!!!
I ran into some issues with Hidden Heart. The story was going in a direction I didn't like so I scrapped it. I deleted the whole thing and started fresh. I felt frustrated and took a bit of a break before trying again after the holidays. The break seemed to work since it gave me the time to deal with the stress I was dealing with at home.
My husband lost his job in November 2013 and spent all of last year going to school. Our funds were pretty much non-existent and we struggled though the holidays. We are lucky to have friends around us that helped us through it and we couldn't be more grateful.
Things are finally looking up and my husband started a new job as an HVAC technician. He is happy and working and things are looking up. The stress is gone and I'm catching up on the writing as much as I can. I will be announcing Hidden Heart release date in March.
Thank you to everyone that as remained on the page and sent me messages to keep in touch.